We believe the best approach is to be hands-on and we personally oversee the services we provide. So even when a claim is being handed over to an adjuster, we are always kept in the loop to monitor developments and provide assistance to our customers where required. To achieve maximum efficiency, we do everything we need to understand your business, your priorities and your needs.

So whether you’re looking to establish an insurance programme from scratch or wanting an insurance audit and review on an existing programme, we can help you design, manage and maintain a cost-effective business insurance programme through regular reviews and risk evaluations.


marine-home-newWe provide tailored insurance marine programmes for our clients who operate in the Marine industry as well as service and support companies on the periphery of the Marine industry. With our experience we deliver a cost-effective solutions to our clients and ensure their individual requirements are met and protected.


We have built a reputation for integrity and service excellence in the Non-Marine as well as Marine sector. We work only within our strengths and capability, experience and market knowledge in order to give our clients no-nonsense, practical and cost-effective protection around the clock.


HOMEPAGE-SPECILATYRISKSpecialty Risks refers to non-mainstream insurances offered by specialised markets as well as extraneous services that are accessible through our network partners.

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